“A resilient food system starts with a resilient seed system.”

“A resilient food system starts with a resilient seed system.”
I like adding balsamic vinegar to this filling because it contributes to the pie’s complex acidity and pairs nicely with the flavors of the rhubarb.
Say hello to spring pasta.
Could there be a dessert that’s more fun than a fried root beer float?
You would not believe how easy it is to make ricotta cheese from scratch.
How to enhance cognitive function by increasing neurogenesis—the process of making new brain cells.
Komal Ahmad is solving what she calls the “most unnecessary problem of our time.”
Meet Damian Marista of Bee Local in Portland and learn about the terroir of honey.
I am so inspired by this window of time where winter is closing out and we still have beautiful California citrus.
Screen to table: Online matchmaking isn’t just for lovers—it brings would-be wasted food and hungry people together.