Connect with others who are fighting for the same causes.

Connect with others who are fighting for the same causes.
Why the economy should look more like a doughnut.
Instead of falling to the Nazi party, Norway broke through to a social democracy. Their history shows us polarization is nothing to despair over.
In 2012, Vancouver BC set a lofty transportation goal—for people to make more than 50% of their trips in the city by foot, bicycle, and public transit by 2020. In 2015, the city had already met its target.
In the waning days of his administration, I’d recommend Obama take the following last stands.
“The job of a mayor is not to guarantee the prosperity of the current generation, but the next generation.”
Restoring contact between government and its citizens.
We’re not going away.
It is time.
What is the blockchain? If you don’t know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works.