Props: Washington, Hawaii, California, and Oregon take four of the top five spots in EV market share among states. Behold: this year’s lineup of new electric cars available in the US.
Imagine works of art that only appear when it rains. That’s what you’ll see painted around the city of Seattle.
Is Play Essential?
Play is built into the core of our brains, the part we share in common with dogs, dolphins, and so many other forms of life.
Rising Seas: Make it Bountiful
Rising seas are coming. This design challenge asks: Why not make it bountiful?
Youth Development Through Food
What if there was a place where young people could learn cooking skills, along with the softer skills of showing up on time and working in teams? There is. It’s called The Portland Kitchen. And their success is reproducible.
Back to the Nineteenth Century
We seem to be heading full speed back to the late nineteenth century. It was also a time of great wealth for a few and squalor for many. And of corruption, as the lackeys of robber barons deposited sacks of cash on the desks of pliant legislators.
Way of The Oregonian Shokunin
More than any other region in North America, Left Coast culture is influenced by Japan’s in ways both direct and indirect.
Slavery didn’t derange Southerners. Slavery was recruited to perpetuate their worldview, and that worldview is still with us.
Travels with Steinbeck
A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us.
She Bakes
She bakes for fun. She bakes when she’s nervous. She bakes when she’s anxious or scared.