Never give up fighting for a more just society.
Why I’m Still Hopeful About America

Never give up fighting for a more just society.
Why the economy should look more like a doughnut.
It was my first visit to our nation’s capital since Trump became president.
Instead of falling to the Nazi party, Norway broke through to a social democracy. Their history shows us polarization is nothing to despair over.
Consider yourself warned.
In the waning days of his administration, I’d recommend Obama take the following last stands.
“The job of a mayor is not to guarantee the prosperity of the current generation, but the next generation.”
Restoring contact between government and its citizens.
California gives lie to the conservative dictum that low taxes, few regulations, and low wages are the keys to economic success.
‘It would be easier to dismiss this rather silly project if the United States had not just elected a president who shouts over attempts at rational discourse and reactionary majorities in both houses of Congress’