Serves free dinner for kids every weekday, employs locals, raises funds for schools.
Tag: Food

Smokey avocado, tangy citrus and a secret sauce from Worcestershire.
Is Water a (Positive) Human Right?

I went on a search to find our right to clean drinking water in U.S. and international law.

The agency has never tested for glyphosate, despite its status as the most heavily used herbicide ever and a ‘probable carcinogen.’
Carrot Ginger Slaw

California Cuisine with a nod to some beautiful Hawaiian ginger.
Chicory Salad with Crème Fraîche

A perfect winter salad.
Saving Our Future by Soiling Ourselves

Transitioning to organic regenerative agriculture practices “offers the best, and perhaps our only, hope for averting a global warming disaster.”

Grassroots community organizations are transforming physical and social landscapes in cities by adding value to the community, creating bonds of trust and comradeship, and linking neighbors together.

What if this holiday season we fill our shopping baskets with only that which is needed and give something back in return?
Salted Caramel Apple Pie

I have been craving this pie—it is salty and sweet and gooey and messy and perfect. The key to good apple pie is…