“We’re trying to add all the different, non-monetary motivators to help people declutter their lives a bit and get value for their stuff.”

“We’re trying to add all the different, non-monetary motivators to help people declutter their lives a bit and get value for their stuff.”
Why did the white working class abandon the Democrats?
Global one percent of wealth holders now own more than the rest of the world combined.
Working directly with the human body as a canvas for design and fabrication.
To paraphrase philosopher George Santayana, those who cannot remember they were screwed by Wall Street are condemned to be screwed again.
What percentage of working women in America do you think have no access to paid maternity leave?
As reformers of the Progressive Era understood more than a century ago, no single president or any other politician can accomplish what’s needed.
Shkreli may be a rotten apple. But hedge funds and the pharmaceutical industry are two rotten systems that are costing Americans a bundle.
“The global atmosphere is certainly one of our major common assets and should be held in trust and protected from harm for current and future generations.”
Grassroots community organizations are transforming physical and social landscapes in cities by adding value to the community, creating bonds of trust and comradeship, and linking neighbors together.