
Vancouver First Major City in North America to Approve 100% Renewable Energy Strategy

100% of its energy to be powered by renewables by 2050.

Vancouver, BC’s city council approved a strategic plan this week to have 100% of its energy powered by renewables by 2050.

Announcing the plan, Mayor Gregor Robertson said, “Today over 30 percent of the energy used in our city is renewable. With a pragmatic approach to buildings and transportation, we eliminate our reliance on fossil fuels and make Vancouver a cleaner, healthier, and more resilient city. Vancouver creates enormous economic opportunity by shifting to 100 percent renewable energy and leading the world’s cities on climate change.”

Principles and actions of the strategy

The 100% Renewable Energy Strategy approved by Council is based on three key principles:

  1. Reduce energy use
  2. Increase the use of renewable energy
  3. Increase the supply of renewable energy

The City of Vancouver can be the catalyst for change through its own internal operations, by:

  • Adopting zero emission standards for new City buildings
  • Transitioning the City’s vehicle fleet to renewable sources of energy

Other actions the City can take to move towards 100 per cent renewable energy are to:

  • Establish greenhouse gas intensity limits for new buildings
  • Enable the conversion of the downtown and hospital steam systems from natural gas to renewable energy
  • Streamline the process for installing rooftop solar panels
  • Support increased car-sharing and the uptake of renewably powered vehicles in car-sharing fleets
  • Pricing carbon pollution into the decision-making process for municipal operations

Vancouver has led the way. Seattle? Portland? San Francisco? Oakland? We’re waiting.

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