A group of activists in Oregon wants polluters to pay residents for using their air.

A group of activists in Oregon wants polluters to pay residents for using their air.
It’s doubtful that most of these 158 are contributing to these campaigns out of the goodness of their hearts or a sense of public responsibility.
Finland is planning to provide 800 euros per month to all citizens as a new form of benefit called national basic income.
Corporate desertions from the United States will cost the rest of us taxpayers some $19.5 billion over the next decade.
Our initial findings provide some of the strongest evidence to date that daily decisions related to engaging in financial generosity can have causal benefits for physical health.
It’s estimated that in five years over 40 percent of the American labor force will be in such uncertain work; in a decade, most of us.
What if this holiday season we fill our shopping baskets with only that which is needed and give something back in return?
Forging a wall of resistance from San Diego to Vancouver, BC.
“It’s a powerful sign that the fossil fuel era is beginning to come to an end.”
The democratization of energy can have far-reaching impacts and pave the way for the kind of equitable, regenerative, new economy we need to survive on the planet.