The moral authority America is in jeopardy. And that’s not good for you, or your businesses.

The moral authority America is in jeopardy. And that’s not good for you, or your businesses.
A growing number of cities are investing in co-ops to keep money local and neighborhoods affordable.
The establishment doesn’t wish to understand, because that would mean acknowledging its role in bringing all this on.
No matter the candidate, there is only one true issue here in these United States.
The undemocratic economic sphere has cannibalized the political sphere.
Life depends on it.
We must get big money out of our democracy, end crony capitalism, and make our economy and democracy work for the many.
World leaders came out of Paris with an international climate agreement seeking to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius. The following is part of “What It Takes,” a series that looks into what we’ll need to do to pull that off.
How to assure the independence of commons when the dominant systems of finance, banking, and money are so hostile to commoning.
The real choice isn’t “pragmatism” or “idealism.”