A woman calls in and she’s outraged: there is so much pain, especially of women, and well…
Author: Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet
Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet is the author of The Greenhouse (Bull City Press, 2014), selected by David Baker for the Frost Place Poetry Chapbook Prize. Tulips, Water, Ash was selected by Jean Valentine for the Morse Poetry Prize and published by University Press of New England. Her poems have appeared in Cream City Review, At Length, Blackbird, The Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, 32 Poems, Quarterly West, and many other journals and anthologies. She has been awarded a Javits fellowship and a Phelan Award and received fellowships from the Millay Colony for the Arts and the Vermont Studio Center. She holds an MFA in poetry from the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers. Lisa lives in Oakland, California with her husband and son. She works as a freelance writer and editor, teaches in the post-baccalaureate writing program at UC Berkeley Extension, and mentors and edits individual writers. In her spare time she cooks competently, gardens badly, and buys far more books than she will ever read.