Researchers found that wildfires will worsen exponentially until there are no longer enough trees to sustain them.
Author: Lauren McCauley
Lauren McCauley has been a staff writer at Common Dreams since October 2012. When not writing and editing headline articles, she spends her time producing documentary films. Her most recent project, Mississippi Messiah, is a feature about civil rights icon, James Meredith. She also co-produced the films The Hollywood Complex and Soundtrack for a Revolution, about the protest music of the civil rights movement. Previously, while writing for Newsweek, Lauren was nominated for the 2008 GLAAD Media Award for Digital Journalism.
US Army Corps of Engineers denies permit for proposed Cherry Point terminal, which would have been the largest in North America.
A new study predicts a much more accelerated rate of sea level rise of several meters, beyond that which humanity is capable of adapting to.
The agency has never tested for glyphosate, despite its status as the most heavily used herbicide ever and a ‘probable carcinogen.’
Global one percent of wealth holders now own more than the rest of the world combined.
“The global atmosphere is certainly one of our major common assets and should be held in trust and protected from harm for current and future generations.”
Oakland city attorney says the chemical giant “chose profits over people, and American cities and citizens are still suffering the consequences.”
Untaxed or undertaxed offshore holdings amount to an estimated $620 billion owed to US taxpayers.
While many GOP-led states restrict voter access, California and Oregon are on the vanguard of strengthening democracy through automatic registration.
“Now is the time for his prophetic voice to be heard across our crisis-ridden country,” declared the activist and intellectual.