Multi-stakeholder cooperatives that combine producers and consumers are starting to emerge as a means to move toward sustainability.
A New Way to Share: Platform Cooperatives

Dr. Maurie Cohen is Professor in the Department of Humanities at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Director of the Program in Science, Technology, and Society. He is a co-founder and Board Member of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI). Dr. Cohen is also the Editor of Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy. Dr. Cohen´s books include Innovations in Sustainable Consumption: New Economics, Socio-technical Transitions, and Social Practices (with Halina Szejnwald Brown and Philip Vergragt), Exploring Sustainable Consumption: Environmental Policy and the Social Sciences (with Joseph Murphy), Risk in the Modern Age: Social Theory, Science, and Environmental Decision Making, and The Exxon Valdez Disaster: Readings on a Social Problem (with J. Steven Picou and Duane Gill).
Multi-stakeholder cooperatives that combine producers and consumers are starting to emerge as a means to move toward sustainability.